MiXFits Kits for Color

  • MiXFits Kits for Color

How many MiXFits products does it take to start making all kinds of makeup?

The answer begins with your goals.

If you are looking for color specific mixability, we have designed these Kits for Color that combine to create purple, green, and orange hues and tones with Element finish options at a savings of 10%.

Check out our Saturated Color Menus up close, or if you want to learn more, see the MiXTips page.

Purple and Luster includes the Unattached Element, Matte Element, Luster Element, 1N, 6N, 10N, 12N, Earth Violet, Earth Blue, NonVegan Red.

Purple and Shimmer includes the Unattached Element, Matte Element, Shimmer Element, 1N, 6N, 10N, 12N, Earth Violet, Earth Blue, NonVegan Red.

Green and Luster includes the Unattached Element, Matte Element, Luster Element, 1N, 6N, 12N, NonVegan Green, Dye Blue, Earth Yellow, Dye Yellow.

Green and Shimmer includes the Unattached Element, Matte Element, Shimmer Element, 1N, 6N, 12N, NonVegan Green, Dye Blue, Earth Yellow, Dye Yellow.

Orange and Luster includes the Unattached Element, Matte Element, Luster Element, 1N, 6N, 12N, Dye Red, Earth Red, Dye Yellow, Earth Yellow.

Orange and Shimmer includes the Unattached Element, Matte Element, Shimmer Element, 1N, 6N, 12N, Dye Red, Earth Red, Dye Yellow, Earth Yellow.